Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Irritating Thrush

In a serependitious manner, a sight from the kitchen window today drew a tidy conclusion to the trilogy of my award winning recent posts, viz:

1. Going on Holiday to a bird reserve and not seeing any birds.

2. Taking a picture of Oz in the garden looking at a Dandelion seed head.

3. Yes, it's a bird looking at a dandelion seed head!

I'm going to lie down and have a rest now - this enhanced level of creativity is taking it out of me. The old brain is racing away working on part four of the trilogy already.


KAZ said...

It obviously isn't a reserved bird.

Richard said...

No, I couldn't get a pun out of goldfinch, either.

Geoff said...

Looks to me like he's pining for the fjords.

Ms Scarlet said...

I might have something for part 5.

Dave said...

Oz with a feather sticking out of his mouth.

Sarah said...

While I was day dreaming and thinking of something to say.....I gazed over to your slideshow and became completely transfixed, and now I have forgotten what I was going to write....mmmm bird with very small brain

Roger said...

Kaz: I was hoping someone in the know might tell me what it is!

Richard: Is that what it is? I thought I may have discovered a rare specimen blown off course by the gulf stream.

Geoff: Ah...a Norwegian blue. I knew it was exotic.

Scarlett: I hope it involves Herons and Owls.

Dave: I think it was that end, yes...

Sarah: Well the thing is.......

KAZ said...

It's a young goldfinch - and therefore stupid. It's the first time it has ever seen a dandelion clock.

Unknown said...

Rog, I'd have thought bieds would be high on your agenda!

The joke's posted!