Friday, 2 July 2010

Damn right I got de Blues!


Jon Storey said...

Well and truly Ebayed out!

Zig said...

I've never had the urge to be a groupie before now!

Or after now, if I'm honest.

Z said...

That was quite stunning, darling.

Vicus Scurra said...

And there we all were thinking that Jimi Hendrix was dead.

Richard said...

You definitely have a future Rog. In internet tottering.

Sarah said...

Lovin' da vibe

Anonymous said...

Gotta be X-factor stuff that!

Roses said...

When's your next gig? I'll be rent-a-groupie.

Tim F said...

Can't decide whether I'm more jealous of your talent or your legs.

Rog said...

Jon: so am I!

Ziggi: Lily is my groupie

Z: thanks... I'm adopting a stage name inspired by a lift company in Berkshire...

Vicus: I was on the electric ladyland cover

Richard: I thought you meant totting but on second thoughts

Sarah: yo da man

Keith: Simon cowell would be too jealous, the bitch

Roses: I could team up with Dave and do The Wall

Tim: you old schmoozer you.

Rosie said...

Do you want me to contact Tom Waits?

Madame DeFarge said...

I'd buy that for a dollar.

Rog said...

Rosie: Tom Waits for no man.

Madame de F: I think a bad penny would be more suitable.