Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Eating Diss Orders

(We get our supplies of Bakers Complete Shite from the Supermarket in Diss)

When it comes to dinner times, some people are keener than others.

Oz is very laid back and sometimes has to be hand fed in his basket whilst he plays with his Playstation.

Lily, on the other hand, shows a little more enthusiasm:


Dave said...

How nice to see some enthusiasm.

Z said...

A nice touch, demonstrating complete control over the dogs like that.

Vicus Scurra said...

She learned that from you, didn't she?

Rosie said...

Harrier dogs! how did you do the slow motion effect?

Rog said...

Dave: She's a little ray of sunshine.

Z: "Complete control" sadly only lasts for 12 seconds before each meal!

Vicus: I have been known to jump in the air for a Yorkshire Pudding, yes.

Rosie: VTOL. The slo-mo is a simple drag-and-drop command in Windows Movie Maker...free on all good PC's!

Christopher said...

Could you show us you being fed next time? Or would it be a case of déjà vu?

Geoff said...

Eric Pickles uses a trampoline.

Timorous Beastie said...

What adorable wiggling bodies. I say that to all the boys.

Roses said...

Awww....bless. They're so sweet...if energetic.