Friday, 1 October 2010

A Tibetan Writes.....

Hello fanbase, it's Oz here, aka The Ozster, Head of Security and the Daniel Craig of this household.

You may have deduced from the piss-poor standard of postings here recently (Norwegian Mash-Ups, Internet Choirs...I ask you!) that Drew, aka Mr P. , is in "Mr Busy" mode and far too engrossed in packing, photographing and upsetting customers to waste time on blogging. He'd emerge on "micro blogging site" Twitter if it wasn't for the fact that he doesn't like football, isn't obsessed by obituaries, doesn't think swearing is inherently funny and isn't gay (although the jury may be still out on some of those).

Well I thought I'd pop by and reassure you that you ARE still being thought of and don't think the stream of useless YouTube posts here will go on much longer. I could easily have taken this over full time from Mr Murph in any case - his wise wry, dry labradorial take on events was all absorbed by myself as his closest companion via a process known as Ozmosis.

You may think from the above photograph of me at the Vaio (me oh my-oh!) that I've become smaller since you last saw me. I'm looking after F1 on the keyboard you know.

Well I have to say I probably have reduced in size and I blame Midsummer Murders. Sometimes I make the mistake of snuggling up to Mrs Rine whilst she's watching this acme of televisual perfection and she absentmindedly starts to trim my fur. Unfortunately the acting on this programme is so realistic and the plots so full of easy-to-follow believability that Mrs Rine sometimes gets carried away and overdoes the trimming. If Barnaby's wife Joyce is featuring in the programme this problem can be particularly accentuated as she brings the Barnaby household to 3 dimensional life and then it sometimes looks like a Tibetan Midsummer Murder on the carpet.

Here I am looking a little bit sinister:

Anyway, I've still got a few imaginary dog chums around here and I can pop over to the bar and chew the fat - we are mainly moaning about Drew and Lily of course!


Rosie said...

I want that doggy thingy...bowl? candlestick..dock..

Sarah said...

Ozzy it's good to have you bloggingtastic at last. How many clubs is 'Joyce' a member of do you think?

Christopher said...

For goodness' sake don't let Snowy Z's Sage see that bowl/dish...

Dave said...

You want to watch that F1 button. It could have a nasty accident.

Tim F said...

Those golf socks are a bit scary.

Z said...

Is it for sale, Oz? I could get it for the Sage's Christmas present.

Funnily enough, I put a photo of a lovely china animal on my blog too this evening.

Rog said...

Rosie: It's an ashtray (with pipe rest in the side) probably from the 1930's. It's one of the very few items of stoock we can't bear to part with.

Sarah: He's pleased to hear that but don't encourage him. Or Joyce.

Christopher: Too late I fear!

Dave: He's also nicked your left-handed sinister quip. He's a right little Keith Chegwin.

Tim: Not the most scary socks in this house though....

Z: It's not as old as your lovely Signet but it's a permanent fixture here. We'd love to know more about it but it has no markings and I've never seen anything similar...

Rosie said...

Probably came from a pub called "The Fox and Hounds". I still want it though.