These days we are showered with information and entertainment from myriad gadgetry in a 24/7 orgy of immediacy and instant gratification. Life just flashes past at such a ridiculous rate that most of us are losing the ability to switch off and completely relax.
Forget your Zen stuff, here's Lily with a Masterclass in relaxation for you all to practise at the weekend. Do let me know how you get on.
I'm still trying to learn the meaning of the word 'relax'. I'm sure this video will assist.
Lily does make it look easy in front of the fire.
That must have taken years of daily practice to get it right.
"a 24/7 orgy of immediacy and instant gratification"
Personally Rog, I have trouble keeping it up for half an hour...
wrod vrecificatoin: blying.
Lying hound...
...I do this regularly of an evening as part of my physiotherapy. It works wonders. Until I try to get up.
Move over, Rover. Let Jimi take over!
Dave: You're reaching the stage where "Exlax" is more appropriate.
Roses: It;s the way she spreads her back legs on the carpet which is so unusual!
Robert: Modesty, Robert.
Christopher: Lying Hound? I wish I'd thought of that title!
Geoff: And let LILY take over! Slight Return.
I'm heading for the fireside to have a go. Is it all right if I play Scrabble on the iPhone, or does that count as an orgy of instant gratification?
My broadband speed has gone too slow... I want to see!
Can I have Lily? You wouldn't miss her really.
Z: It depends which version of Scrabble.
Scarlet: It can't be any worse than here!
Annie: That's a tempting offer ... it's not all beer and skittles you know!
It's, like, the equivalent of a bird (or, is it "babe" nowadays?) wearing and revealing nothing under her fur coat as she sprawls invitingly on the lounge floor after a good night out?
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