Thursday, 16 December 2010

Comic Sans

Have I mentioned my iPhone before? Really?

Here's the product of the latest App which lets you put speech bubbles on pictures. Hardly cutting edge of course but it's giving me hours of amusement!


Dave said...

Of course, your friends have seen these of Facebook already.

Is something posted on both sites a Blook? Or a Facelog? Add Twitter too (as you do) and you may be Twogging.

Rog said...

Dave: I think I'm spreading myself too thinly!

Z said...

Gives us amusement too, dear heart. Minutes of it, at least.

Rog said...

Z: The sound you hear is me trying to think up a new one!

broken biro said...

You should put these on Facebark... social networking for cute dogs

word verification - unsince... that ought to be a a real word

Roses said...

Why Rog, do you have an iphone?


Christopher said...

Do you really have only one leg, Rog?

Ms Scarlet said...

Merry Christmas, Rog!!!
Are you still poorly or are you fiddling with your apps?

Rog said...

Broken: They AREon Facebark!

Roses: Light touch of satire there!

Christopher: I've nothing against your left leg....

Scarlet: Why thank you kindly! I'm on top of my game again! (Angry Birds)