Thursday, 5 May 2011

Return of the Murph !


Once again we are indebted to the lovely Jill Carrington of who has now turned Mr Murph into a woollydog to match the mini-me's of Oz & Lily. He even has the matching white waistcoat and paws and that doleful "give-us-a-biscuit" expression.

They are all together again in miniature. Mini-Oz feels slightly put-out, a bit like Nick Clegg does when Dave Cameron gets back from holiday and catches him luxuriating in the big chair.


Dave said...

And they never need cleaning-up after.

Nota Bene said...

They're you need a licence?

Tim F said...


Sarah said...

Love it !

Z said...


Billy said...


Rog said...

Dave: good point

Nota: you don't even need a licence for a real dog!

Tim: ;-/

Sarah: you need a Tiny tilly!

Z: so do you!

Billy: it's a wonderful world!

nuttycow said...

Oh - how lovely!! I would love to have one done of my dogs...

Rog said...

They are good aren't they nutty? She's got a fantastic knack of capturing a dog expression

(I'm not kidding - the WV is "dogyneda" !!! weird!)

Rosie said...

Why aren't they moving?

Timorous Beastie said...

Bittersweet and lovely.

Macy said...

Wah! Is it wrong to want to swap my live dog for a woollydog????

Erm. Yes. Probably...

Unknown said...

Used to have English setters (the silvery grey jobs). They're the best natured (and most bone headed) dogs on God's earth. Bit tempted. Could your lady work from photoes?

Madame DeFarge said...

They are unutterably cute. Do they shed hairs too?

Rog said...

Rosie: Oz only moves when it's really necessary. I may do a short film with these Woolly Dogs.

Timorous: Yes it's nice to have the auld firm back.

Macy: The larger versions are currently having a barking contest with nextdoor so I can see your point.

Mike & Ann: Hello! I think "good natured" and "bone headed" often go together! Jill works purely from photographs - wonderful talent!

Madame: Sometimes they even share heads!

Rog said...

Blogger has lost my new post!!!!


Here's the link to donate to the Kaz Foundation - mwah mwah love you all!!!

Z said...

If you use Google Reader, it's still there, so you can copy and paste it. Or I can send it to you, if you like, because I have, in a precautionary belt, braces and bailer twine sort of way, done so for you.

Rog said...

That's most considerate Zoe - thanks. I don't have my own blog set up in Reader so a copy would be most useful ta very much! email firstlast at gmail

Z said...

I nearly typed in 'firstlast'. I'm so literal!