Thursday, 2 June 2011

Hop, jump and er, Skip?

With the Olympics starting to loom properly on the horizon, Lily is taking her fitness regime to extremes.

She's heard that the Chinese teams are likely to be on performance enhancing drugs so she's been trying to "Fly like a Beagle".


Dave said...

Did Oz take the first photo?

Rosie said...

Isn't that the same person that felled the tree the other day? Should he be allowed to own a dog?

Z said...

I'm singing "eleven more months and ten more days" all over again, especially the line that goes "...if it's all the same to you, we'd like to go on a hike."

Nota Bene said...

The training's all wrong...Lily is doing the steeple chase and Purin the high jump...disaster looms

Sarah said...

Hope Oz is on target with the skateboard training

Martin said...

Surely this is what happens when Skippy (the bush kangaroo) resorts to performance enhancing drugs? Lily, be warned, you may well turn into a wombat, if you're tempted to follow the illegal beagle trail.

Rog said...

Dave: No but he's well known for his snapping

Rosie: Probably not. He's not a good feller.

Z: If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to go on my bike.

Nota: It'll be the usual story of "gallant but unlucky England". Although she is French.

Sarah: Hi Fiveeeessssss!!!!

Martin: And I thought she was trying to tell us about some children trapped in a mine.

tony said...

The Beagle Has Landed !

Macy said...

Extreme trainig for Lily indeed if she has to haul that human behind her on a string ...