Sunday, 24 July 2011

Pigeon Detectives

I looked out of the upstairs window this morning to witness a dramatic scene unfolding as a tiny hooligan sat on the ledge shouting threats to the flock below.


Martin said...

Couldn't face being up against the beak, eh?

Dave said...

Was he a stool pigeon?

Rog said...

Martin: No, he's just a Rookie.

Dave: I think so. At least he left one on the Washing.

Christopher said...

Are you sure about this? It seems to me the hen in the ledge is calling 'Walter! Walter! Take me to the altar'.

But pidgin English can be very misleading.

Macy said...

Naw there's a second bird up there. The wee fella's yelling "Let him have it Harry!".

It could all end in tears y'know

Pat said...

Your comment box is a scream. Ta!

Rog said...

Christoph: She didn't want to be left on the shelf

Macy: Harry says, "Leave the little tit alone".

Pat: It's turned into Twitter!

Christopher said...

Pat's right. No cheep comments here.