Monday, 8 August 2011

Guide to Grandparenting in Three Lessons

1. Get an iPhone.


3. ....that's it...


Pat said...

Our grandchildren - being much older all have their's. We are the deprived grand parents.

Rog said...

I'm sure they may let you play Angry Birds sometime Pat!

Dave said...

I shall continue to be a Bad Grandparent.

Christopher said...

Thank you, Rog. Mine are a bit little yet, and by the time they're old enough for this sort of thing I expect it will have been replaced by something else, like an iTeleport. Very useful at bedtime.

Z said...

It's the Guide to being a person, really, isn't it? Best money I ever spent.

Unknown said...

Also- become a member of Facebook. I've never really learned to use it (except for playing scrabble, and being regularly thrashed at it by Z); but you do learn a surprising amount about your grandchildren on it. I drop in the occasional comment to remind them I'm about. A month or so ago a grandson said on facebook "I've just made a cake with my little sister", to which I commented "What other ingredients did you use?" His reply was (justifiably) "Oh, Pa........"

Z said...

Sorry, Mike. You've been unlucky with vowels, that's all. When I get too many Is and Us, I ditch them. Only thing I've learned about Scrabble.

Rog just totally hammered me, by the way.

Liz said...

If you haven't got an i-phone... then you must be a bear; neither of us have one.

Mike's comment made me smile. My parents have yet to be persuaded into the world of Facebook. I think they are scared of it.

Rog said...

Dave: I expect so

Chris: The fourth rule is to remember the channel number for ceebeebies

Z: I agree - I'd hate to imagine being iphoneles

Mike & Ann: facebook is an excellent stalking medium although my children have mostly tightened up their security to Fort Knox standards.

Z: it served you right for using rude words!

Liz: tell him about the Hornby Train app. That should do the trick!

Z said...

True. I c'nt care, though.

Rosie said...

I don't have a phone but I do have an old ipod and I love Angry Birds. Sad but true.

Dave said...

Are you teaching them how to organise a Dissturbance?

Zig said...

If you have anymore grandchildren you'll definitely need an iPad.

Rog said...

Z: haha

Rosie: I've moved on to the sophistication of "Geared" which is Meccano for oldies.

Dave: They know how to do that already.

Zig: That's a good point. We have a total of 7 and you never know when another is going to be announced.....:- (ps where's your blog?)

Zig said...

(ps Drew, I have no idea . . . really! I clicked on me and apparenty I'm not available)