Sunday, 23 October 2011


Went to my brother's wedding on Friday which was a fabulous do in Lovejoy Country.

Sadly one chair was vacant. It was reserved for poor J., a feisty Australian Octogenarian who had come half way round the World to be there but then was taken poorly and rushed off to Hospital in an ambulance.

We took my Ma in to visit her the next day and found her ruling the roost in a ward of 6 people. She was sitting up in bed demanding her cappuccino be re-heated in the nurses' microwave and already had the lowdown on every member of staff.

"They took me down for an APC this morning", she announced.

"That's good", I suggested. "It's amazing what they can tell from these new fangled gadgets".

"Gadgets? Nah, I'm talking about a wash. APC. ArmPits & Crotch".


Tim said...

I have just picked myself up off the floor from laughing.

Martin said...

Priceless. I'll be sure to remember this one.

Z said...

I've a horrible feeling I'll be using it myself in the future. Too good not to.

Sarah said...

Lol ha ha

Macy said...

Old Rambo here fairly seems to have picked up on a different thread in your post....
Maybe worth explaining old J was Australian???

Rog said...

Sorry Macy I deleted Mr Rambo as I didn't want to give him the links.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I hope my wit will be as sharp when I'm what my mother in law calls an "octopussarian"

Nota Bene said...

My lunch is all over my lap...

Roses said...

Oh that's funny.

APC, I'm definitely going to borrow that. Brilliant.

Such a shame she missed your brother's wedding. I'm glad it went well though.

Anonymous said...

My Mother-in-Law used to say FFF.
(Face, Feet and Fanny)