Saturday, 1 October 2011

LG in a Country Churchyard

The early morning mist with exceptional October sunshine chipping away at it was rather nice this morning.

Sadly I didn't have my "big" camera with me but only the camera phone but here's a flavour anyway. It's an Iphone, not an LG, but let's pretend not to know that eh readers?


Z said...

A certain Grayness in the light is quite appropriate.

Dave said...

I was out in woodland taking similar photos a couple of days ago.

The sun sliding through the mist first thing this morning was almost poetic.

Martin said...

Very nice. We're just moving into the season when the light makes for more interesting photographs, don't you think?

savannah said...

just a bit after 0700h here, so i'm looking up through the top of a palladium window at the outline of magnolia leaves against a very grey sky. rather lovely sight so early in the morning on a saturday! i do love your photo! xox

Unknown said...

Whoever mows or crops that churchyard hasn't got much graze energy, though.

Dave said...

Isn't the elegy about the evening though?

Sarah said...

You are getting rather good at this Rog !

Macy said...

Nuffin "phony" about that photo Rog....

justin said...

Lovely photo, Rog ... you've captured the light brilliantly.

Tim said...

Whoo, you did that with a phone? I've been tempted to throw away the big camera, the little one does just as well unless you're after really special stuff, which I'm not usually. On the other hand, I have paid for it.

Rog said...

Thanks all. You're all lovely! I'd like to thank Steve Jobs, Jonathan Ive, .....

Anonymous said...

Very, very nice.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot, whatever you used!