Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Barking Chronicles


Z said...

If the Sage hadn't just borrowed my phone, I'd be trying that out for myself.

Martin said...

I believe the same results are possible when suggesting that someone is becoming a bit of a cult.

Richard WalkL said...

You don't need predictive text to potentially get yourself in trouble when writing about that guy who played Rowdy Yates. Especially if you use a tight font width (who does though?)

Macy said...

It's that lack of a forefinger that's really going to stiff Lil for for texting...
And for replying to me I suspect....

Rog said...

Z: you need to buy him a Nokia Brick for Christmas as he just want to talk on it.

Martin: they'd have a sucking force!

Soaring: fonts ARE getting tighter. I blame over feeding before the christening.

Macy: lil also has to put her texts through Google translate which doesn't help.

Z said...

I should have bought him an iPhone. That's the attraction.

Anonymous said...

Almost worth experimenting with predictive text.
On second thoughts, perhaps not.