Not for the first time the Daily Mail has missed out a crucial fact.
They have just run a feature detailing all the Album Sleeves which have emulated the iconic Beatles Abbey Road Album.
It includes just about everyone from Benny Hill to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers...here are just a few:

There is one crucial exception. The sleeve to "My Girl Lollipop" by the lovely cuddlesome Buster Bloodvessel and his aptly named Bad Manners was NOT INCLUDED!

Is that Abbey Road in Gravesend in the background?
At least his tongue is not hanging out of his mouth. He used to give the creeps.
(ps the word verification on here is 'lictier'!! hahah
On my current bus journey, just before I alight, there's a rundown old pub - I think it used to be called Buddy's or something - and outside it there's a blackboard outlining future events, of which the only example listed is 'Buster Bloodvessel, 18th Dec.'
Before you get too excited, it's been up there since I first noticed it in January of this year so I think it's fairly safe to assume that the big lad played there in December of last year. Maybe it was a farewell bash - the pub is either *really* rundown or hasn't opened its dooors in a while....Or maybe they're just trying to give BB a *reallY* BIG build up. Perhaps his tongue was so scary, they had the place closed down.... I guess we'll never know.
Just thought I'd share that.
p.s. wv: 28if - uncanny, really...
Why are you reading the Daily Mail?
Reespect for mum.
I aways think lollipop persons must be so brave - dealing with mad kids and mad motorists at the same time.
You should have chosen this one for my favourite Album Covers post.
Dave: Blimey...I think you may be right! I think that subtlety may have otherwise been lost to posterity.
Sarah: Are you talking about Dave?
Morton: It could be code for a dog fight. It's a long time since I've heard of anyone "alighting" from a bus. Since the smoking ban that is.
Vicus: I'm concerned about swine flu, immigration and house prices.
Kaz: My Ma has the 12" cover framed on her wall in pride of place next to Big Mouth Billy the Fish and two animated dogs singing "I got You Babe". Nobody escapes visiting without a detailed rendition of all three items, which is why I've suppressed it before. My Brother set the shoot up (but I'd suggested using live ammunition).
I know young Mr Trendle lived in Margate for a while in the 90s. Is he from north Kent then? I saw Bad Manners at the 2002 Crewe carnival and they were excellent fun. Lip up fatty!
Has your mum got the ska to prove it?
Richard: That Trendle die out soon. I see bad manners everywhere these days.
Geoff: Yes. She's two tone.
Oh, how splendid. You must be very proud. And she's gorgeous - I suspect all the drivers stopped to check out her lovely legs.
Z: It was more embarrassing when she was a dinner lady at my school. And anyone would look good standing next to Buster Bloodvessel!
Dave: I've spoken to my Mum and it was definitely in North London and not Gravesend Abbey Road which is between Valley Drive and Rochester Road.
I really should get out more...
They did feature Screaming Afterbirth though, so all is not yet lost.
great shoes for a lollypop-lady
Rog, that is a top notch claim to fame.
I LOVE "My girl lollipop" by Bad Manners.
Billy: I don't think my Mum was involved in that.
Ziggi: I think she must have used them for puncturing tyres and intimidating naughty pupils.
Liz: I have to say I prefer Millie Small's original version which helped to get Island Records up and running.
Haha, brilliant!
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