Monday, 16 July 2012

Hot Air


Martin said...

And no parachute, either!

Macy said...

Methinks that Holly's probably gone to "rescue" the dog chews

Nota Bene said...

What goes up...

dinahmow said...

Only stupid dogs play pretend games in milk crates!

Anonymous said...

That comment was from us!

Anonymous said...

hehehehe :)

Pat said...

Dogs can be so much fun. Especially when there are two of them.

Rog said...

Martin: She insisted on no strings attached.

Macy: Once again you are, in fact, spot on!

Nota: The balloon goes up!

Geiger & Sporran Mo : Well, you are the first cats to venture into this dog obsessed blog. I'd like to know what makes Geiger tick and where Sporran keeps her Dirk.

Gab: You could speak to G&S in their own language!

Pat: That's true. Double trouble.

mig bardsley said...

Twice as nice (before the eject button was pressed)

Anonymous said...

Such bravery. Such selfless sacrifice......

Z said...

Lil enjoys being Senior Dog, doesn't she?

Paff Rine said...

Spot on Z! It's funny how each of them has moved up the ranks, but I never thought Lily would be a leader and enjoy it, or be the sensible class swot, bless her french cotton socks.

dinahmow said...

Funny you should ask...Geiger earned her name for having a purr to rival a Geiger-counter.Sporran's dirk? Where aye canny Scots keep their dirks. ;-)

Zig said...

I love the comic strip or should it be tails of H and L - I think it must be harder than it looks to make them, thank you, they're really great.
Poor Bertie has not managed to get the better of Bailey - he needs some lessons from Lilly! Bailey (the little ****) is in charge, of all of us, not just Bertie. We're all running scared, that's if we're not running after him!

Rog said...

Zig: try installing Comic Strip app on your iPhone. It's great fun and the terrierists would love it!

Rog said...

Mig: double trouble!

Jon: I know but I'm worth it

Z: it's a delicate power balance

Mrs R: we eldests have a vested interest!

Dinah: sporran could always sit on your lap I suppose