Saturday, 19 January 2013

Snow laughing Matter (geddit?!!)


savannah said...

yuk, yuk, yuk! (cartoon laughter sounds)


Anonymous said...

That dog has a grubby face.

Martin said...

Snout wrong with a bit of snow, y' know.

mig bardsley said...

Absolutely not. Not so much as a stifled snort.

Anonymous said...

No snow, no show?

janerowena said...

Snow gets in your eyes...

Nota Bene said...

Are you sure that's snow? He's not been hanging around the lavs at the local club?

Pat said...

Snow's better than egg.

Rog said...

Sav: Yabadabadoo!

Geiger: We know where cat's noses are normally kept!

Martin: One who nose.

Mago: No cheese no whey!

JaneR: Snow accounting!

Nota: Don't judge little Holly by your own standards.

Pat: Very True!