Thursday, 8 July 2010

Font of all Knowledge

I should imagine Dave spent quite a bit of time as a Minister with writer's block - deliberating over which font to use.

Worrying recently whether the letters "D.H.L" should always be in a Courier font, I began to ponder the strange names that typefaces have been given over the years.

Arial - Always use this if you want to improve your reception.

Verdana - Invented by the bloke who was left in the office whilst his colleagues went to lunch. "Verdana Pub"

Sans Serif - A lawless French village

Rockwell - Useful for promoting the status quo.

Comic Sans - Used for the titles of "My Family"


that's it.


Dave said...

I expect you think we're going to fill your comment column with clever puns about Times New Roman and the like.

Jon Storey said...

As I once got a distinction in Typography I feel I should be making a positive contribution!


Ms Scarlet said...

Always use Ariel on when describing snowy white flakes?

Ms Scarlet said...

Odd. That's twice in five minutes where I've used the word 'on' inappropriately. Apologies.

Rog said...

Dave: Lol. I mean Tee Hee.

Jon: I've met your type before.

Scarlett: On words and up words. I thought Ariel soap was stuff like Coronation Street.

Ms Scarlet said...


Geoff said...

I like my font in blue.

Anonymous said...
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YourEastbourne said...

did you see what 許紀廷 did there? Very clever dear boy.

Rog said...

Geoff: Pot Pourri

Mr VVB: He's just showing off with his Chinese fonts - I've sent him out of the class.

Christopher said...

I believe Dave calls his study The Reverie. If he were Catholic I suppose he might call it the Pot Pourri.

Rog said...

Christopher: A Tee followed by a Hee!