Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Fundamentally Orientated

I've just got back from 4 days in space only to discover the Blogosphere is in a meltdown of comments about comments about comments disappearing, re-appearing, being "eaten", being censored, being ............

I just knew the Blogosphere would disappear up its own arse eventually.


Jon Storey said...

Good grief! You've been away but it's me that's missed all the action?

Dave said...

I blame you actually Rog. We needed a sensible head, keeping a finger on the pulse and an eye on things with a steady grip.

Geoff said...

I remember the day half my readers' comments became "Anonymous". I felt like I didn't know them any more.

Macy said...

Acht look - now I'm making a comment about comments about comments about comments disappearing.
Do something Rog!

YourEastbourne said...

I'm just so pleased that my comment from the other day - the one where I accused you of being an utter arse - seems to have disappeared. I wrote it whilst drunk and would have been mortified if you had seen it.

Zig said...

who are you? who am I? why am I here?

Ms Scarlet said...

I got 88 comments about vanishing comments on my Emergency post. More comments than ever!

Rog said...

Jon: No, you missed all the auction!

Dave: Good point. Sensible chap. Steady the buffs.

Geoff: They'd turned into teenagers.

Macy: I'm commenting about your comment. We may almost achieve enough circular momentum to find the Higgs Boson particle.

Mr VVVB: I got the email you bastard. Mr Very Very Pissed I say.

Zig: More to the point, where is your blog? Is it in a stable situation?

Scarlet: It's post modern irony gone mad I tell you!