Monday, 1 November 2010

Look-a-Like Poser!

Here's a look-a-like competition for you. At first I thought the pictures were identical but after 5 minutes of intense scrutiny I realized there ARE several subtle differences.




Dave said...

I give up. Which one is you, Rog?

Oh, you're the one wearing the hat, right? Do I win a prize?

Ms Scarlet said...

I have a really rubbish monitor.
The first one just makes me laugh... if you had this monitor, you'd understand why.

Rog said...

Dave: It is my hat so you get one point.

Scarlet: I'm so old that I can't see the word "monitor" wiithout thinking of inkwells.

Ms Scarlet said...

...or milk!

Rosie said...

Pretty fierce looking. Are they bikers?

Christopher said...

Funny. Dave (with dog collar) was on about marriage earlier today.

Sarah said...

Did you put Oz in the tumble drier?

Rog said...

Scarlet: Pasteurised?

Rosie: Hells Tibetans.

Christopher: He's a marriage conductor!

Sarah: Not yet. I could be a Youtube viral hit if I did....

justin said...

Hi Rog, I didn't recognise you with that hat on ... my first impression was that it was Rod Stewart in his younger days.

Timorous Beastie said...

That top picture's a zombie-werewolf cross, isn't it? It's got the evil eye.

Macy said...

Mrs Rind is going to be really cross when she wakes up from watching telly and finds out you messed up her hair like that..

Madame DeFarge said...

I may need some more time to work out the difference. Can you give me a clue?

Rog said...

Justin: I wear it well.

Tomorous: He's a timorous beastie at heart though.

Macy: I refuse to respond to that comment on grounds of something or other.

Madame DF: I think you need Lionel Blair for that.

Roses said...

I've been here pretty much every day since you put up those pictures, still trying to think of something witty.

Knitter, is still giving me the creeps. You should keep your headgear under more control. It looks like a Tribble gone punk.

Rog said...

Roses: Oz is more Tribble than the knitted Character. I'm waiting to enter him in Harry Hill's next competition.