Friday, 10 December 2010

Lopham Fun

The source of the mighty River Waveney, Lopham Fen, is a desolate place at this time of year. Apart from a very nice looking herd of Polish Konik ponies, some frozen marsh and the fen raft spider there is not much to see in December. Even the birds haven't bothered to turn up and consume the berries.
Sometimes as the sun goes down you CAN witness the apparation of a pack of feral French Bassetts which roam the desolate marshland in search of fun and games. It's enough to give you the heeby-jeebies!


Dave said...

I beleieve the ghost of Captain Scott has been seen there too.

Christopher said...

But aren't these the famous Bostly Ghassets? To see them is a harbinger of certain...but we won't go into that.

Konik is apparently Polish for 'pony'. I learnt this when needing to find the Polish for 'grasshopper' once when speaking of the habits of a flirtatious person. My Polish friends told me it was 'konik polje', i.e. 'little pony of the field'. This is true.

Sarah said...

Me thinks you are spending too much time fiddling with your new app!

Rog said...

Dave: He's looking for his Oates I assume.

Christopher: I see you've put the "binge" into "harr". A Grasshopper isn't very flirtatious but I'll take your word as you have polished friends.

Sarah: That puts you in a group of two.

Roses said...

I'm currently working on puns to do with with your icy pictures...

I'm not happy with what I keep coming up with, I'm lopin' them off before they get out of control....

This work is not a lot of Fen.

Rog said...

Roses: Good work! Icy what you're up to.

Ms Scarlet said...

I will just groan under the weight of the puns.

Rosie said...

Perro con hielo.

Z said...

That puddle is the source of the Waveney, is it? If you hadn't said, I might have called it a little ooze.

Rog said...

Scarlett: The "wait" surely?

Rosie: How did Spanish develop a word for "ice"?

Z: It could be just a tribute, ery.

Annie said...

I always like your pictures Rog. Reminds me there are nice places outside of the hideous Big Smoke.