Tuesday, 28 June 2011

I'd better Knock on Wood

We seem to get the most intense Lightning storms in East Angular.

I know we haven't had rain for months, but when it arrives like a Thunderclap Newman One Hit Wonder it makes its presence felt. The windows have been rattling, the electricity supply dipping and the flashes of fork lightning illuminating the black skies like Papparazi Flashguns at an Amy Winehouse Gig. Unfortunately it makes out two dogs quake with fear.

It's difficult to imagine what Thunder must seem like to a small dog. It is perhaps akin to what elemental catastrophe must have seemed like to neolithic cave dwellers where they must have surmised that some evil dark creature has been angered. They didn't have a Michael Fish to assure them that it was just a breeze.

Lily was absolutely terrified by this afternoon's thunderclaps and managed to find this little snicket between a bed and a duvet to hide inside. I obviously rushed to comfort her but like the complete bastard that I really am paused to take her picture in the snicket before doing so.


Martin said...

With or without flash?

Annie said...

Awwww.... Lily... I love this photo though, so expressive.

The kids at school are undecided whether they love or hate storms. They scream their heads off at thunder but seem to enjoy the fear.

Geoff said...

Is a Norfolk fork worse than a Suffolk fork?

YourEastbourne said...

I like Lily's "yeah, really supportive, Rog" expression there. A special canine mix of petrification and sarcasm.

Z said...

She isn't gazing up at you with hopeful devotion, that's for sure.

Rog said...

Martin: I switched on the red-eye filter

Annie: Lightning strikes can be very damaging to schools ;-/

Geoff: Nor Fork lightning is not quite as fast

Mr Vvb: Sarcasm is not a weapon in Lily's armoury but she can smell pheasants from 50 mtrs

Z: I can't look at the picture again - I feel too guilty

Christopher said...

We've had dogs that tried to get under the bed to escape. Perhaps Oz was there already, with Mrs Rine?

Rosie said...

Poor little dog. Arthur used to go beserk. He would shake and rattle, raise his body temperature until his nose was red hot, try to climb over the backs of chairs, hide in cupboards and then sulk for days.

Rog said...

Christopher: Uncannily accurate!

Rosie: Arthur sounds like a drama queen!

Dave said...

We've had none of that here. I'm off to Wales tomorrow though, so things should pick up.

Rosie said...

Alas, Arthur departed some months ago :-(

Rog said...

Dave: Are you taking Betsy Coed?

Rosie: :-(