Saturday, 2 July 2011

Brief Encounter


Z said...

In training again, Rog?

Rosie said...

Yourself on guitar?

Rog said...

Z: Steaming!

Rosie: Sadly the legendary Nick Drake!

Liz said...

Was that The Norfolkman steaming by? We tried to photograph it at Needham Market; I wish I had filmed it as that would probably have given a better result.

Dave said...

I felt sure this was going to be about underwear.

Nota Bene said...

Yes, yes, but did you get the number, and the wheel size, which boiler it uses, and whether it's a copper of brass flange hinge pump?

Sir Bruin said...

You got better pictures than I did. Had my camera completely set up wrong and over exposed all the pictures that I took. Bugger!
By the way, the number was 70013.

Christopher said...

Oh, splendid - but suddenly it went dark at about 26': did I miss something?

Pat said...

That was a lovely sepia moment.

Rog said...

Liz: We just happened upon it by accident, alerted by the seething mass of Kagouls at the crossing!

Dave: I knew I could rely on you to lift our thoughts to higher matters.

Nota: It was a 4-6-4 with a double crossover widget

Sir B: The last time one came through it broke down and we could walk alongside it.

Chris: Autistic licence old chap.

Pat: I was trying for a "Railway Children" Vibe but Mrs Rine refused to run up the line waving a Petticoat.

Madame DeFarge said...

What is it about men and trains? Lovely colour to it.

Sir Bruin said...

Rog: It's actually a 4-6-2 wheel configuration.

Whoa! Nerd alert!

Rog said...

MDF: They sometimes go off the rails though.

Sir B: I KNEW that! I was just testing.