Z: She always brings a smile to the glummest of days. Poor Oz has now got a grass spike up his rear foot and is mooching around with a lamp shade on his head.
Macy: you can't believe anything you see on this here interwebby thing
M&A: lovely dogs though! We had a red setter last evening.
She looks as if she's been reassembled a little drunkenly.
Good heavens, the w/v is "fearsuck".
I'm in much the same position myself
w/v: those
Is it trying to give some advice? 'fearsuck those....' what will be next?
Tim: I'm thinking of entering her in "Penn & Teller Say Fool Me" as an impossible canine contortionist.
Broken: No wonder you're broken!
ah I recognise that yoga position, suppose to bring serenity to your mind and, in my experience, 2 weeks off work unable to realign'
I think I was like that when they pulled me out of the car!
She is too adorable. I love Lily.
There was a photo just like that on Google +
Some guy called Rog posted it....
Used to have an English setter who would lie in that position. But then English setters are the most boneheaded creatures known to science.
John: oh dear :(
Z: She always brings a smile to the glummest of days. Poor Oz has now got a grass spike up his rear foot and is mooching around with a lamp shade on his head.
Macy: you can't believe anything you see on this here interwebby thing
M&A: lovely dogs though! We had a red setter last evening.
I do this sometimes, but nobody has ever said I was winsome.
w v = 'havenastyboils'
Christopher: You've got Dave's wv!
Hello Rog. Should have said- English Setters are the most bone headed and best natured creatures known to science.
Dog nip?
Poor Oz, painful. I read that one-eyed in bed this morning, and read it as "a grass spike up his rear end." Quite put me off breakfast.
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