Thursday, 6 October 2011

Economy needs more Jobs

What very sad news to hear the death of a true visionary who genuinely affected people's lives. Steve Jobs is what Clive Sinclair should have gone on to become - RIP to a genius innovator.

Here's some pics from our holiday to cheer us all up.


Dave said...

I have actually owned several of Clive Sinclair's products, and none of Steve Jobs'. I'm sure though that he was a good bloke, and Iknow that quite a few people enjoy his inventions.

Z said...

He had both the broad vision and the narrow attention to detail, with the ability to put his radical ideas into practice. I don't think "a good bloke" quite sums up his achievements.

Tim F said...

"Good bloke"? Hmmm... apparently he was a bit of a shit to work with: the phrase used was "Management By Walking Around Frightening Everyone". But that isn't to deny his achievements.

Nota Bene said...

I'm sticking with the pictures...beautiful. Very cheering. A Job well done

Martin said...

Yes, rest in peace, Steve.

Unknown said...

Rog. Did you build the cairn, and if so, who is buried under it? (And why?)

Rog said...

Dave: Clive tried to grow mighty oaks from acorns but they got the BBC contract.

Z: Quite so. I'm not sure I would have liked to work for him but it must have been exhilarating.

Tim: You don't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs! Jonathan Ive never looked frightened.

Nota: Good man!

Martin: I think his ethos at Apple will live on for some time. Not as long as Isambard Brunel's legacy perhaps...

Mike & Ann: Nothing to do with our terrier. It was actually a very impressive piece of stone balancing!

Sarah said...

Call that stone balancing ? TSK !!

Nice pic with sun streaming through

Z said...

It's true, Sarah, you are one hell of a stone balancer. But your blog doesn't allow comments, unless I'm too thick to see the link, so I haven't said so. Until now.

Sarah said...

Geez ta Z. No I don't have a comments box...would just invite trouble!!!!

Thanks for the loan of your Rog ;0)

Richard WalkL said...

Yes, a great shame about Steve, let's hope it doesn't all go downhill without him around.

Very nice photos.
I'm often tempted by the Victoria Inn crèche but I can't possibly let my wife loose amongst all those over-priced clothes shops.

Nice shot of beams of the rising sun over Bantham Ham. My kids were virtually raised on that beach across the water.

I think the horizontality of that Horizon has been Defeated by the alignment of that cairn.

Rog said...

Sarah: If i'd straightened up the horizon you WOULD call that stone balancing.

Z: To open one's comment box is to open one's heart to criticism. Chat away dears!

Soaring: Thanks for REALLY looking! I think we saw the "Bantham Ham" wading across the estuary at low tide in his underpants.

Macy said...

I was surprised by how upset I was when I heard the news.
And it wasn't just because I had to revise down my expectations of iPhone 4.
You can tell how great he was by the number of minnows crawling out to put him down.

Macy said...

Erm.. I didn't mean on your blog Rog...

Rosie said...

Yes, but...why aren't you standing on top of the cairn?

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed by the way you tilted the horizon to stop the cairn falling over. And by the way you tidied it back into place for that absolutely stunning shot with the sunrays.

broken biro said...

I don't know a great deal about Steve Jobs but I loved the inspirational messages in his Stanford address.

Sarah - I wanted to comment on your amazing stone-balancing too, but couldn't! It's hard enough doing what Rog has done - Yay to Rog! - but yours are incredible! 8-)

Rog said...

Macy: I'm going to let someone treat me to an iPhone 4s as a tribute.

Rosie: I left that to my terrier.

Lettie: Thanks. I tilted the horizon and sloped off.

Biro: Yes I posted that a few weeks ago. Sarah should start a Stone balancing blog. It could have a picture of Mick Jagger as the header.

Pat said...

Photies lovely - especially the next to last. Where are we?

Rog said...

Pat- BIGbury in South Devon. you might have missed a vital installment!

Pat said...

Rog: no I don't think I did but my memory is a bit erratic.