"What a perfect metaphor for the ills of developed Western economies", I thought, stepping into an imaginary pulpit and wringing my hands in a very real and sincere way. Uncaring, no thought for tradition and instant gratification at all costs. Students, eh.
And speaking of profligacy, I have just printed out an email which ran into two pages but with just one sentence on the second page. "What a waste of a sheet of paper", I tutted. Then I read the meagre contents of sheet two: "Please think of the environment before printing out this email".
Damn. I've buggered the environment at the same time as ordering a piece of Chinese electronic hardware which can only hasten the end of our unsustainable Western Consumerist non-manufacturing bubble.
Still. an iPhone 4s eh? How cool is that? Just need to hone my explanation for when Mrs Rine returns from up North.
I wonder what's wrong with the one in the bottom left-hand corner? Maybe it's a kernel of hope.
...oh dear, after closer inspection it turns out that the kernel of hope is just a shadow!
And you know Scarlet, in a very real sense, that very kernal of hope is concealed behind the tin foil of our own superstions and .....drones on for 30 minutes before hymn 111.
Did I cause iPhone envy,Rog? Mrs Rine will be thrilled. She will upgrade next week. Tell her that the camera, when facing forward, makes a very useful mirror.
*Advent chewers* - ho ho ho
Oh students, don't you love 'em? I remember with fondness, the 3rd year law undergraduate who offered to do me a copy of this great CD he had. It was anew band...called The Kinks.
Wrestling with the idea of buying an iPod Touch, or will I just hold out for the iPad?
Tee hee...
Though seriously, I'd have an iPhone 4s. Unfortunately, I have just spotted a fantastic fragrance which will put me back quite a few sheckles and require fewer upgrades.
Martin, an iPod touch is a beautiful thing...
Hahahaha - looks like a rat got into that advent calenda (a rat of the human variety) ;)
I'm surprised the advent calender didn't scoop the Turner prize.
Do they get a new advent calendar every day then?
This is surely a picture of Santa trying to get something out of his reindeer's throat (reindeer standing on hind legs). Is it just me?
Nota: Chocolate Mice.
Z: On reflection, Mrs Rine is a dedicated Android user.
Martin: Did he then say "I really got you, I really got you!". An iPod Touch beats a iPad on value-for-money I think, as its almost a phone as you can message on it via wifi.
Roses: But perfumes only cost a couple of quid surely?
Gabrielle: They could have been playing the rodent version of "Deal or No Deal".
Rosie: It should have been a late entry! It would rival Tracey's unmade bed.
Macy: Every day you open another 24 doors? I hope yours is nailed up for the next gale.
Mr Soar: Now you come to mention it, you could be right. With your Rorschachian imagination I bet you could discover Jesus in a dog's bottom.
Oh good lord! Everyone's got iPhones. I'm beginning to feel peer pressure.
As for the calendar, what can you expect when you get chocolates instead of pictures behind the little windows?
Waste not...
With all spare, hardly used A4's I double then over and voila - up to four sides to test scrabble word totals. It's improved my game no end.
Oh, so that's why you're suddenly winning, Pat!
Mig: Yes, those chocolates are in there just asking for it!!!
Pat: You are a green recycling inspiration!
Z: Only on paper.
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