A very merry Christmas to both my readers from all of us here in Norfolk!
It would be very rude if I replied as someone replied to my greeting: "Up yours, dude!" So I will say, thankyou, Rog, and may you have a happy Christmas, too.
I don't know what to say either, especially after that video, so will confine myself to wishing all five of you a merry Christmas.
wv = creph - sounds a bit sepulchral for the time of year, doesn't it? But perhaps the blogger elves are feeling a bit jaded after receiving their Christmas bonuses in reindeer futures or something.
It would be very rude if I replied as someone replied to my greeting: "Up yours, dude!"
So I will say, thankyou, Rog, and may you have a happy Christmas, too.
Dinah: I've upped my game - up yours! :-)
Seems I'm your second reader, Rog. Happy Christmas.
Thanks Z. We can all go home now....
Have a good one, Roger, and a Happy Christmas, too.
Rage on regardless :) you Norfolkians - hohoho and off we go (Merry Christmas)
How did we know Oz would turn out to be a drummer?
I honestly don't know what to say, so I will confine myself to wishing all four of you a merry Christmas.
I don't know what to say either, especially after that video, so will confine myself to wishing all five of you a merry Christmas.
wv = creph - sounds a bit sepulchral for the time of year, doesn't it? But perhaps the blogger elves are feeling a bit jaded after receiving their Christmas bonuses in reindeer futures or something.
Words fail me too. Happy Christmas. To everyone whether they be four of the two or any of the others.
I'm not a reader...I just come to look at the words. Have a brilliant Christmas!
Thankyou both. You are all blessed with a splendid Christmastide. We're left with Oz on drums.
Well, I'm speechless!
And on that happy note, wishing you a great Christmas.
I thought it was fab!
Anyhow, I sneaked a peak at Twitter yesterday, so just for you, HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
Thanks everyone! And thanks to Scarlet for the link to my favouritest (not) Christmas record.
Yay! What's that traditional Norfolk greeting???
You scumbag you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot
Or as those of a northern presbyterian bent would say "May you be as happy as you would wish to be....."
I think that is my favourite Christmas video ever.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas Rog. Have a great time.
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