If you're visiting someone with a very small cat version of one of these in their kitchen door:

Don't assume that (2) into (1) doesn't go.
Lily is the Harry Houdini of the canine World, a sort of David Copperfield without the orange glow. One minute in Kitchen and next minute .... whoosh!!!!! Then we were all in a flap.
Still, all was well in the end. Lily was eventually reunited with us, Cosmo the Cat responded to the trauma counselling and when we got home we found 2 into 1 did go very peacefully:

Dogs do fit through surprisingly small gaps, don't they?
I used to have this mental little mongrel called Alf who once managed to squeeze through a very narrow opening in a car window. Fortunately, the car was stationary at the time and my then husband and I were in it, as was my mum's dog, Rebel. Husband and I leapt out of car, leaving our icecreams behind, and retrieved Alf from a very busy road. When we returned to the car, Rebel had eaten both our icecreams.
Good thing La Lily can't get through your letterbox. You wouldn't want French Letters escaping from your house.
Liz: That's very funny about the ice creams - deserves a blog post! I think Oz could have been related to Alf.
Dave: With Lily it could have been French Litters!
There's a cat flap in the front door of the maisonette a few doors down from us. The cat is buried in the front garden.
Do you ever think Lily is trying to tell you something?
Geoff: Perhaps it was building a tunnel?
Kaz: Now you come to mention it......
Lily is perfect and I won't hear a word against her.
We had a dog one who escaped from the car through one of those quarter-lights that don't exist any more. The repair to the car window (it was a Daimler) was rather expensive.
Z, she smashed the window first? What kind of animals are you guys nurturing in your homes? I predict a riot.
No, squeezed his way through the window with such determination that it twisted the metal. Yup, pretty riotous in those days.
Z: I thought it may have been a Rover (tee hee!)
Timorous: It's nature not nurture. Dogs are natural Cat burglars.
Z: That was ruff.
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