Well it's Monday Morning and I've just read the shocking news that " a quarter of people said their weekend was ruined by the thought of returning to work on Monday morning". Whatever next? "Pope is Catholic, declares researchers"? I'm surprised it's only a quarter of people.
Several bloggers have ducked out of the blogosphere at the moment for one reason or another (Kaz, Ziggi, Chriz etc) and I seem to have upset most of the rest by droning on about politics, Jeremy Clarkson and Chris Evans.
Some have suggested that they'd rather see cute pictures of Lily (Who?) than these controversial figures so I've found one that encompasses politicians, Clarkson, Evans and Lily in a single frame.
Rog, Rog, Rog, you haven't upset us! We are your friends!
What Vicus said.
I'm back!!!!!
Don't you disappear as well, otherwise we will just be left with suicidal Dave. (Though as luck would have it, he seems in high spirits today, with the prospect of roses party!)
sorry got side tracked...wot the others said
Vicus: Thank God! I'd been worried sick!
Dave: Thank God! I'd been worried sick!
Scarlett: Thank God! I'd been worried sick!
Sarah: I'm here to stay! "Suicidal Dave" sounds as though he may have played bass for "Seasick Steve".
Zoe Williams said Chris Evans is fantastic at his job and the Guardian Media podcast were pretty glowing, too. It's the triumph of inanity and terrible musical taste!
I switch off from work at the weekends. Sorry, I'll rephrase that. I get pissed at weekends to try to forget about the shit going on.
Haven't upset me. I love you. And I love Lily's bum.
it is truly unbelievable but then people like Tony Blair to start with and look how that ended.
'd' for the use of
past not present no one likes him now,
do they?
Geoff: I heard that on the media podcast and it spoilt my day. I fell out with Evans when he started humiliating his "posse" live on air on the breakfast show. Talk about go to work on an ego. I was working for a small dysfunctional family biz at that time run by an old Gordonstonian Tory councillor and it was hell.
Timorous: lily would look even more attractive perched in your bicycle basket!
Ziggi: Tony Blair was one of the biggest dissapointments in my life. Apart from my visit to Specsavers which was also an appointment in Diss.
I'm so getting that photo. I can see exactly what you mean.
That shot tells us all we need to know!
Wow! Look at the bum on that!!
Madame de F: I have a tail to unfold!
Jon: Can't you keep that randy little bugger in order?!!!
Sorry Rog, I have tried to him under control but he has just worn me down, I just can't take any more.....
You should see what he has been up to at Blipfoto!
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