Tuesday, 22 June 2010

My Big Idea

We've just acquired a Finch Feeder from Little Pand. It has really small holes in the sides so only Finches with their tiny little pointed beaks can get the food.

This has given me great idea! Pass a law to force all fast food outlets to reduce the width of their public doorways to 12". Obesity solved.


Dave said...

The exits would have to be wider though, to allow for post-eating spread.

Jon Storey said...

I believe it is in the latest NICE report!

Dave said...

They'd only end up sending the thin kids in to buy their takeaways anyway.

Tim F said...

Or their specially trained finches.

Rog said...

Dave: No, they'd have to stay inside until they'd slimmed down.

Jon: Naughty but Nice.

Dave: We used to do that with our fags at school.

Tim: They'd be like aggressive dogs. "You can come in but you'll have to leave that Bullfinch outside"

Dave said...

You had fags at school? Where you at Eton?

Geoff said...

Give a finch an inch...

Christopher said...

I see our winter goldfinches come to you in summer. (If they didn't just perch on those bars looking fat and preventing other more deserving birds from getting at the food they'd get on with delivering messages of warmest goodwill from us to you.) To realise fully your novel idea in figurative and in practical terms the seeds should always be larger than the hole.

Rog said...

Geoff: ...and he'll take over the yard.

Christopher: I didn't realise that they were French Finches Filching the French Fries. We'll send our Robin back with a side order of Bonne Chance.

Rog said...

Dave: Nuneaton.