Wednesday, 2 June 2010

What your Email Address says about You....

I read this on and found it spookily accurate. How do you fit in?

Good chance of being skilled and capable

Perhaps even a programmer or designer

Most likely knows their way around a computer

When the internet stops working, actually tries rebooting the router before calling a family member.

Uses a Dell.

Still has issues with spyware

Still thinks Myspace is Hip

Usually types with Caps Lock engaged

Sends you email chain letters saying that Bill Gates will eat your hard drive unless you forward this message to everyone you know.

Before asking for computer help, still thinks it's funny to say "I'm Computer illiterate Lol"

Calls you on the phone to tell you about a new website they've discovered then says "Ok...ay...go to....h....t....t....p....colon....forward slash....another forward"

Prints out emails and brings them over to your house


bruiser and bowie said...

i'd say it's pretty accurate.

Vicus Scurra said...

I feel neglected.

Zig said...

Roses said...

Oh boy.

I have both gmail and hotmail addresses.

But my main address is

I suppose that means I'm serious screwed up doesn't it?

(no surprise there)

Richard said...

I had owndomainname once but ran out of money. Yahoo one is wrong. Please pass this on to at least ten of your FRIENDS.

Roger said...

Arwriter: Welcome! I thought it was pretty accurate.

Vicus: No wonder you got taken over by Alan Sugar.

Zig: Thank goodness somebody is keeping our Post Offices open.

Roses: Nothing wrong about having multiple personality sundrome...

Richard: "Yahoo" always sounds like a Sloane Ranger answering the phone...

Geoff said...

I've got a talk21 address which I used to use with the old Sky TV keyboard. That was the future, that was.

Z said...

I reboot the router before calling the family member with his own domain name. So yes, I also think it's worryingly accurate.

Tim F said...

I used to have a bigfoot address, which people thought was my own domain name. My friend Nigel Hotmail provoked similar confusion.

Rog said...

Geoff: Talk21 seems so last Century now!

Z: I suppose it depends "what" you call a family member!

Tim: Bigfoot says too much about you but Nigel's done quite well for himself

Ms Scarlet said...

I'm a virgin.
Sx well as a gmail.

Rog said...

Scarlet: Thank goodness Dave is on holiday!

Ms Scarlet said...

He's got a few surprises for when he comes home!

Christopher said...

Hopeless in every respect except desperation. Maybe not quite as hopeless as close friend who tried the other day to get inside his Mac with a tin-opener.