Reminds me of a dog called Stokes who after watching us all bring our plates full of food to the table, went off to the kitchen and came back carrying her bowl.
My mum used to have a labrador who would bring his bowl to you and dump it in your lap if he thought it was a bit past feeding time. Either that or he would just clatter it repeatedly on the kitchen floor until someone came and filled it for him.
Warning Just the once is the wrong answer....
As long as he does the washing up.
How can you refuse that face? I hope you served him a nice juicy steak.
Chester used to sit on a chair at the table when it came to the cheese course. He behaved perfectly.
Sir Bert of Bucket was good at that face. Of course, it meant we never needed to wash the dinner plates.
Macy: I suspect you are spot on!
Geoff: Oz would do it if he didn't realise it was useful. He's a gentleman of leisure.
Liz: He was pulling out all the stops here. But his Pancreatitis means we have to be cruel to be kind....
Z: What a shame you didn't have a camera phone - a pic would have been priceless.
Tim: I can imagine. A face that lunched 1000 chips.
And when it's time for Pedigree Chum, do you get on the floor and look pleadingly across....?
Reminds me of a dog called Stokes who after watching us all bring our plates full of food to the table, went off to the kitchen and came back carrying her bowl.
Nota: Nota Chance! The boot would be on the other paw anyway.
Mig: We met a labrador that did that - almost irresistable!
My mum used to have a labrador who would bring his bowl to you and dump it in your lap if he thought it was a bit past feeding time. Either that or he would just clatter it repeatedly on the kitchen floor until someone came and filled it for him.
Almost :)
Oh the word ver is barksake :)
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