Friday, 11 May 2012


This morning me and Lil walked back across what we refer to as Watership Down and couldn't help but notice it had changed colour. I think it was the Brassica napus.

I took a few pics with my phone.


Rosie said...

I would like to put in an offer for that cottage in the field. Thank you.

Z said...

You make the wretched stuff look quite lovely. It still stinks, though.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive video :) Looks gorgeous.

Martin said...

Love the pictures, love the song. But we have fields of the stuff, hereabouts, and when the wind blows in our direction, it's definitely nose-peg time.

broken biro said...

I've never smelled it, bit it looks nice

Macy said...

Brassica napus!! Sounds so much better than rape!
Cheers Rog, I shall show off repeatedly now wilst driving past fields of the stuff.

Christopher said...

Ah, the coloured counties of old England. But I hope neither you nor Lil (nor must we forget Mrs Rine) suffer from hay fever?

Rog said...

Thanks all. Can't respond in detail as I'm suffering from hah...ahhhh ....ahhh

Nota Bene said...

It does look beautiful...and always sunny even if it's pretty horrible stuff..