Good Evening.
It's Sunday 28th October 2033 and here is the news.
Historians and collectors were saddened today to learn of the final winding up of Amazon, once one of the leading distributors of books in the World. They have been in chapter 27 bankruptcy for the last two years but their business model has finally proved impossible to sustain.
Some may remember the "Kindle", a small white screen that Amazon developed for readers to "read" their offerings which would be "downloaded" from the "web site". It is difficult to comprehend how people once paid for the privilege of acquiring knowledge and information yet they had to make all the effort of "reading" a single word at a time in what appears now to be a ridiculously labour intensive process.
A spokesman for Publishers Zambesi Inc, the World leader in DCT (Direct Cranial Transfer), said today: "I think members of the public may have a fascination for these antique methods, but as soon as the process of direct Cranial transfer emerged in the Twenties the writing was on the wall for their business model. Now that readers can acquire an entire volume of information via Bri-Fi (Brain Fidelity Input) in 0.27 nanoseconds the concept of spending a week reading a novel seems just silly".
In other news:
Lord Bruce of Forsyth has just announce that he will retire at the end of the current series of "Galactic Come Dancing".
As you know, I have just thought my latest novel. Enjoy! And here comes the next one ...
I think stories every day; I'm years ahead of my time.
The final sentence strained credulity to breaking point, dear heart.
My synapses have overloaded, crashed and burned. I think it was Tim's novel!
If the BF is still around in 2033 there's no justice.
Please make my excuses:)
Happily, I will have expired by then! The pain of living in a universe that still has BF in it, is more than I can bear.
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