Friday, 26 October 2012

What is it about Tibetan Terriers and Strictly Come Dancing?


Zig said...


No, I can't believe that. I think in Oz's case it was the ladies' outfits and in Holly's I think it's Michael Vaughan.

Paff Rine said...

Which poses the question Zig, why does Rog watch Strictly? Do you think he is keeping in touch with his feminine side?

Rog said...

Not dressed like that he's not!

Z said...

I'm seeing you in a whole new light, Rog.

Martin said...

Perhaps they're pleased to know that 'barking' doesn't only apply to them.

Rog said...

The Tango-titivated TT has now gone Tibet.

allotmentqueen said...

Yes, what is that stripe across what you're wearing, Rog?

And is that dribble on your chin?

allotmentqueen said...

Actually, now I've studied the pictures, those are two completely different screens. And furniture. In fact possibly even the curtains are different. Do you have Strictly on in every room of your house?

Rog said...

No. But the old tv can be seen on the floor - it's on eBay at the moment.

mig bardsley said...

Is that really you Rog? You've youthed a bit since then (from what I recall at Z's party). I should keep watching, I'm sure Lily will abet you.

Pat said...

How posh to have different lighting schemes.