Wednesday, 27 July 2011


I came across this photo this morning which I took with Murph about 4 years ago on a Wintry walk up Ingleberrow in the Yorkshire Dales . That sounds as though he helped in taking the photograph which is not strictly the case.

I'd glanced across to the South and noticed this beam of sunlight heading steadily towards the lone tree and quickly put my foot on Murph's lead and grappled in my bag for the camera. It was raining and very cold.

Anyway it prompted an inspiring thought concerning inspiration. Almost by definition, you can't force inspiration to come along - it's complete serendipity and will appear when it wants to.

Trying to force inspiration to appear is like trying to force breaking wind. In my experience both can result in unexpected and unwanted results.


Geoff said...

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

I can't be bothered to look up who said that.

Macy said...

My mum used to tell me that beams of sunlight like that were God looking down.
Which sort of begs the question as to why if he's omnipotent and all, he needs to have a wee keek through clouds every now and again...

Rog said...

Geoff: I had to look up Ennui the Eighth this morning.

Macy: God knows, I bet you were a little sunbeam yourself.

Dave said...

I'm always a little sunbeam. Noted for it I am.

Zig said...

a little too much information there? hmm? just towards the end!

On breaking news, not wind, I have and indeterminate dog, or more of a dog of indeterminate breeding, he may be 1/2 something and 1/2 of something else, or there may be more parts than meet the eye.

Good ol Murph :)

Christopher said...

Splendidly atmospheric.

RIP Murph.

Corks can help.

Rog said...

Dave: You are my sunshine. I used to sing that at Sunday School.

Zig: That dog needs a blog! Lets see some pics..

Christopher: I agree on all three fronts.

Pat said...

Surely breaking wind should be stifled at birth?
Lovely photo and makes me think of the cottage in Farnhill/ Kildwick we had for decades. Ah me!

Rog said...

Pat - I've never heard of Farnhill-stroke-Kildwick. It sounds like blowing a candle out.

Pat said...

A few miles from Skipton - in fact betwixt Skipton and Keighley. One side of the road was Farnhill, the other Kildwick. Our cottage was in Farnhill.

Rog said...

Ah yes. We were about 15 miles North of there on the Cracoe Fells on our Coast to Coast in May.