Sunday, 18 April 2010

Pelleton Peacock News

Excitement is now reaching fever pitch regarding my forthcoming cross country cycle using the Sustrans C2C Route which is less than a week away.

The final Famous Five comprising Team Pelleton Peacock are:

Me - aka "Spike Legweak" after Lance Armstrong
Big Al - Son in law and highly trained Accountant
James - Son and heir and King of the Mountains
Julian - Son in Law mountain trained in Team Derbyshire
Keef - My brother (assuming he can get back from the US)

The demographic includes representatives from the 1940's, 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's but for reasons of confidentiality I can't tell you where I fit in. I haven't yet advised the other Pelleton members of my proposed age related handicap system or mentioned my electric bike to them.

We set off from Whitehaven in Cumbria on Saturday Morning and proceed via a succession of large fried breakfasts and pies with chips to arrive on the East Coast on Monday afternoon somewhere between Whitley Bay and South Shields depending on who is doing the map reading. 

I did a 50 mile cycle on Saturday so was feeling slightly smug until I remembered the essential difference between Norfolk and the Lake District. The latter has got a pencil museum.

For those of you who intend lining the route and cheering us on with flags and gay bunting, please arrive early as the crowds are going to be phenomenal.


Geoff said...

You'll start off wearing the yellow jersey and end up wearing a Geordie Jumper!

All the best, Rog!

Dave said...

I thought gay bunting was illegal now.

Best wishes.

Christopher said...

I flew over Whitehaven and its hinterland the other day (in the nick of time before UK airspace shut down) and from the air it seemed perfectly flat to me. I'm afraid we won't make it there to cheer you on, but may I nominate Oz and Lil to bark encouragement in our place?

Z said...

This is terribly exciting and I will certainly cheer you on. I can't be there, but I hope that my cries of "Huzzah, pellet and pea, cock!" will carry that far.

Dave said...

Do you want an official photographer? If you could supply me with a helicopter, you could be the new Ms Bradbury.

Vicus Scurra said...

Are you going to be on Sky Sports?

Rosie said...

I shall be there in spirit. I take it C2C is the new Adobe Photoshop software...

Rog said...

Geoff: I'm a Canary in a yellow jersey - I'll be flying and tweeting!

Dave: Only in certain States of the USA.

Christopher: Having watched Lake District Hound Trailing last night, I think Lil would quickly lose patience and be off with the pack of lanky lils.

Z: "pellet and pea, cock" sounds very much like something I would have written!

Dave: I wouldn't trust you in a helicopter with Julia Bradbury. You'd be making references to your chopper.

Vicus: Strictly Freeview I'm afraid. Can't you have a word with your pal Rupert?

Rosie: Adobe C2C? Ah you spotted it on the bottom of the map.

Ms Scarlet said...

Ah... Derwent pencils... will you be sketching as you pedal? You might make it on to the One Show with that little trick... on a Friday.

Z said...

Oh blimey, that's true. I admit to being easily led.

Rog said...

Scarlet: I think Derwent used to do a Scarlet and a Blue in the same tin. You've been pencilled in!

Z: I bet the Sage would disagree with that!

Sarah said...

Oooh how exciting. I do hope in your 'essentials' pannier you will have your lap top and internet dongle. So that you can keep us all pasted daily, whilst you sup you restorative northern bitter.

Dave said...

I'd rather you kept us posted, if you don't mind. Feel free to paste Sarah though, if that's what turns her on.

Zig said...

I hope your seat has a love channel - mine does

*looks smug*

Rog said...

Sarah: I will be posting reports from mu iPhone with tedious regularity.

Dave: I wouldn't dream of it.

Ziggi: I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about!

Jon Storey said...

I will be waiting patiently at the top of Hartside. The good news is that Gay Bunting is still legal in Northumberland. The bad news is that you will spend the night in the County...!

My bike saddle has a 'love channel', comes highly recommended!