Thursday, 8 April 2010

Twitter Update

I recently purchased via Ebay (other brilliant and value packed auction sites are available) a little gadget I'd always wanted - a remote wireless shutter release for my camera.

As soon as it arrived I rushed out to try it out on the occupants of our bird table:

The camera clicking still made a noise and frightened some birds away....

But others appeared impervious to the click of the shutter:

As for the bloody Robins, they just couldn't wait long enough for me to go indoors before they fancied taking over. Who do you think you are, Robin Bailey?


Dave said...

Just a minute... if your camera's on the tripod outside, how did you manage to take aphotograph of it?

You're not one of these wealthy two camera families are you?

Jon Storey said...

Love the Robin shot!

Zig said...

ooooo, that's a big un!

Annie said...

Lovely. All we get is bastard pigeons, bastard seagulls & bastard magpies. No little birds.

Did you see about this Barbican exhibition?

Z said...

Robin Bailey - excellent. You are witty, Rog.

I loved Uncle Mort.

Dave said...

Nice pics by the way.

Rog said...

Dave: 1 car 3 cameras. Better for the environment.

Jon: The one taken by the Robin?!

Ziggi: Move on Matron!

Annie: We do get bastard obese collared doves that come and boss the little 'ns away. That site reminds me of a Leonard Cohen song.

Z: Oh pish tush mistress Z!

Dave: Thanks Dave ... I'll put up the 150 rubbish ones now.

YourEastbourne said...

Blackbirds - hard as nails. They won't be scared off by a camera shutter for love nor money.

Rosie said...

The robin one is terrific. Isn't there a way to diable the clicking sound on your camera?

Rog said...

Mr VVB: They're always singing in the dead of night as well.

Rosie: I'm experimenting with the clever technique of moving the camera further away.

Roses said...

You'd love the wildlife out here, you really would.

Unfortunately, I left my Canon behind and my Fuji just isn't up to the job. You'll have to take my word for the parrots, macaws, toucans, hawks, woodpecker...

I'm going to go now...

Are you going to have to consult a lawyer about the copyright issues surrounding the pix Robin Bailey took on your camera?

Rog said...

Roses: Blimey, Toucans? Are you sure you haven't drunk them?
Get some pics taken - we need photographic evidence.

Ms Scarlet said...

That robin is such a poser.
I trained him well.

Macy said...

A remote wireless shutter gadget?? Don't tell me your iPhone didn't have an app for that!!

Rog said...

Scarlet: Oz taught him all he knows.

Macy: Now there's an idea! I'll cut you in on 2% of the proceeds.