Wednesday, 2 May 2012

A Little Light Reading

I was about to film test a Rolleiflex yesterday when I remembered it didn't have a built in exposure meter.

After hunting unsuccessfully through stock boxes for a working Weston it suddenly occurred to me that the solution might be in my pocket.

Yes. There are several light meter apps on the iPhone and I downloaded a free one and was away. Jobs made light work of it.


Sir Bruin said...

16s? Hope you've got a steady hand!

Rog said...

Fortunately Lil can keep still for 16 seconds occasionally

Martin said...

That's handy to know, Rog. Thanks.

Rog said...

Martin - Glad to be able to shed light on something. This one records latitude and longitude and nearby places which is a bit over the top but it seems very accurate. I've upgraded to the paid version to remove the adverts - it lists:
"Remove ads - £0.69
Buy developer a Pint - £2.69"

Macy said...

Light meters, distances, film speed...can't be doing with all the numbers....

Nota Bene said...

The bonding of the old and the new...Mr Jobs would have been pleased

Rog said...

Macy: You're light metres behind!

Nota: I think you're right. I'm in the middle of his biography at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Ah these modern gadgets - haha

Rosie said...

I don't believe it!Please return the old Avatar...

mig bardsley said...

Not that I have the slightest idea of how to use a light meter since I'm a digital baby but I'm going to look for that app immediately just in case I suddenly learn how to use it.