I was about to film test a Rolleiflex yesterday when I remembered it didn't have a built in exposure meter.
After hunting unsuccessfully through stock boxes for a working Weston it suddenly occurred to me that the solution might be in my pocket.
Yes. There are several light meter apps on the iPhone and I downloaded a free one and was away. Jobs made light work of it.
16s? Hope you've got a steady hand!
Fortunately Lil can keep still for 16 seconds occasionally
That's handy to know, Rog. Thanks.
Martin - Glad to be able to shed light on something. This one records latitude and longitude and nearby places which is a bit over the top but it seems very accurate. I've upgraded to the paid version to remove the adverts - it lists:
"Remove ads - £0.69
Buy developer a Pint - £2.69"
Light meters, distances, film speed...can't be doing with all the numbers....
The bonding of the old and the new...Mr Jobs would have been pleased
Macy: You're light metres behind!
Nota: I think you're right. I'm in the middle of his biography at the moment.
Ah these modern gadgets - haha
I don't believe it!Please return the old Avatar...
Not that I have the slightest idea of how to use a light meter since I'm a digital baby but I'm going to look for that app immediately just in case I suddenly learn how to use it.
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