Saturday, 22 March 2014

New Direction

Well,  I'm astonished to note that this is my third blog post this year! Can I maintain this frenetic pace or will I succumb to Mighty Mo burnout? Will you, my last and most valued reader, now walk past as if I'm Ed Balls or a provincial branch of Woolworth's?

I suppose blogging has moved into a new phase, at least for me. When I was lashed to the wheel of wage slavery in a dysfunctional family business (where I wasn't in the family) my blog posts were a wonderful outlet for the boredom and frustration of it all. They were my Shawshank Redemption, my Messge in a Bottle to the World. My daily struggles with bureaucracy and idiocy were the grit stones in my oyster which fashioned the occasional pearl. My faithful Labrador Collie and Tibetan Terrier  (Messrs Murph & Oz) both thought along similar lines, although in that case I was the much derided authority figure.

Now that I'm joint CEO of a customer facing Upcycling nternet based jargon spouting business myself, the need for creative outlet has diminished. I suppose Lily and Holly have moved into that space and they may have to let off steam in a blog direction now - I will keep an eye open and let you know. 

The other matter which has diverted us over the last few months is moving house. We had scoured the length and breadth of Rightmoves for three years looking for the perfect house and finally found it - 5 miles away. It's in a far more "proper" village than our previous one (which was more "hamlet") and has two pubs, a shop and a windmill. Aside from the stress of doing a full channel 4 style Sarah Beeney makeover of our house to sell it we now have all the concerns of de-Beenying our new residence to drag it back down into the comfort zone. All very  diverting but probably too smug and "pleased with self" for entertaining blog posts.

However another potential for blog direction is the matter of the socialisation of two sociophobes into the fabric of Midsomer Norfolk. There could be sufficient jeapordy and edge to divert my dear reader. I'll keep you, er, posted.


Liz said...

My record low for blog posts was in 2010 when I only managed 3 in an entire year. We moved house that year, which may have been a partial cause of that particular blog drought. I know how disruptive buying and selling a house is to all aspects of normal life.

I have often considered giving up blogging completely, and then I suddenly find something to write about. My current job is severely limiting my own blog output; I have lots that I would like to say but as I am (still) working for The Plod, work related posts are just not possible.

I like the sound of a proper village with pubs and a shop. Does it have a school too? Sir B and I have discussed moving to the country. Currently it is not practical but if we ever did, my criteria for a suitable village would include a shop, pub and school. Although I have no children of my own, I see a village school as a sign of a thriving community.

Good luck with your social experiments. I look forward to reading your reports.

Unknown said...

As I remember Midsummer Norfolk it is a nice social village, so you should have no problems. Just reread your blog entry, and you've not said, as I at first read it - sociaphiles, but sociophobes, which may be a bit more difficult (although, having met you, I don't believe it - oh dear, we're back to that T.V. curmudgeon again).

Z said...

With moving house and all the rest, I think you're doing pretty well to blog at all. I rarely have anything much to say, but it never seems to stop me saying it.

Nota Bene said...

No...slow down, can't keep up...Hope the move is everything you would want it to be..

savannah said...

I think we've been watching too many re-runs of Midsommer Murders to really appreciate proper village life as it all seems far too many MURDERS happen in y'all's countryside! ;) xoxoxo

(But, seriously, all the best in the new digs!)

Rog said...

Liz: We have TWO village schools - and a third under discussion.
There are some brilliant police blogs such as Constable Chaos so don't rule it out!

Mike: I'm sure the homicide rate will go down now we've moved in. The Police were called to a drunken daffodil theft last week (honestly!)

Z: I defend your right to keep saying it! It always amazes me how much you and Mike & Ann cram into your weeks and still find time to write about it.

Nota: Thankyou young man. And good luck with thinning out those 1200 pictures.

Sav: I'm sure Midsomer Murders gives the World a perfectly balanced view on typical English Village life! I would have thought it would frighten most tourists away!

Unknown said...

Rog - 'drunken daffodil - theft last Sunday'. How does a daffodil get drunk - let alone steal something when in a drunken state? The imagination googles, or rather, come to think of it, boggles. Still, it's Norfolk, where anything can happen.

Steerforth said...

I go through phases of feeling certain that my blog has reached its natural end. A few lacklustre posts and I'm convinced that it's all over. Then I find a book with some daft photos in it, and I'm glad I still have a blog.

Hope the new place brings you many happy years.

Curry Queen said...

My blogging output has declined steadily of late. I can blame a lot of things - a full time job, elderly mother requiring escalating levels of care, teenagers, workaholic husband blah blah. However, all excuses aside, I refuse to write if I have nothing to say!

Pat said...

How clever to move five miles only and be able to keep friends to hand.
I find three a week (blogs) quite difficult now but it is still a welcome relief from all the stuff I have to deal with these days.

mig bardsley said...

You've done lots more than I have.

I hope you will both be very happy in your proper village and look forward to hearing more about drunken daffodils.

Anonymous said...

Two pups - hear hear !