Sunday, 19 February 2012

You Can take a Basset to Water....

But you can't make it Wii.


Z said...

She has nerves of steel! I'd not leave my tail where it could be trodden on.

Rog said...

Z: You're never backward in unfolding your tale!

Martin said...

I was just waiting to see if the handset would go flying and, if so, whether it would be retrieved or buried.

Liz said...

That's so cute.

Lily is like the eye of the storm; all stillness and calm while chaos rages all around her.

Rosie said...

Are these the same boys that were brought up by a basket?

Pat said...

One gets the feeling he's seen it all.

Rog said...

Martin: Don't worry, we'd read the health & safety screen and applied the wrist strap.

Liz: I bet you're like that at work!

Rosie: They ARE the little baskets in question.

Pat: Or can't believe her eyes!

mig bardsley said...

She looks so patient and resigned. I expect she knows she'll never get a turn.

Rog said...

Mig: we'll she IS a girl!

Macy said...

Ahhh what's a dog got to do to get her head scratched?

She's welcome up here anytime she needs a break from the kids...

Richard WalkL said...

It was a bit rotten of you to superglue her to the carpet just there.

Rog said...

Macy: If I let her off her lead she'd be up there in no time!

Soaring: Nope she was hypnotised.